Born in 1955, Debra Duwyenie is a member of the Oak Clan and a member of the Winter Moiety. She has been making pottery since 1979, having learned most of her craft from her mother, Genevieve Tafoya.
Debra worked with Harvey Chavarria until he died in 1991. Their pots were signed "Debra Harvey". After Harvey died, her interest in pottery waned and she only made a piece now and then. Then she met Hopi potter Preston Duwyenie while they were both working at the Institute for American Indian Arts in Santa Fe.
Her interest in making pottery was renewed and, now married, Preston and Debra do some collaborations but she mainly works on her own. Her favorite sgraffito designs include hummingbirds, quails, turtles and fish. I've seen some black pieces from Debra but usually, she makes red ware, plates and seed pots, often with a micaceous slip.
Debra signs her work simply Debra, although she has been adding Preston's "Carried in Beauty" hallmark lately.